Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Facebook Ethos

      I try to keep my Facebook page clean of anything people will see as not acceptable for someone to post.  If a potential employer were to look at my Facebook page, they would see just photos of me on vacation or from high school.  It would show that I am a responsible person and that I don’t do stupid things and then post them on the internet for the whole world to see.  My posts and pages will come off as educated and relevant.  I really don’t use Facebook anymore because of the fact that people are dominated by it.  I don’t like the fact that someone can go search my name on Facebook and learn everything about me in just a few moments.  The only reason I still have Facebook is because it is a great way to stay connected with people.  I don’t insult people on Facebook because if someone sees that, then they might think less of me as a person for using a social media website to fight my battles.  I try not to get involved with anything too controversial because, once again, people perceive using a social media website to talk about controversial topics as a way of hiding from the truth.  I would much rather talk about those things in person because it’s respect and talking face to face is much better than talking over a keyboard.  Overall, my Facebook page portrays good ethos of me as a reliable guy who does his job and just wants to have a good time like everyone else.

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