Sunday, April 21, 2013

English 112 Reflection

                                                   English 112 Reflection
            As we are coming to a close of the semester, it’s usually good to look back and reflect on the progress that we have done.  We were offered with many opportunities that allowed us to experience with different writing styles.  I found that the easiest assignment for me was the advertisement analysis.  When I see something, I really look into depth and explore what it is trying to say.  I want to see if there are any hidden themes or agendas in the picture.  I think this suggests that I am a visual kind of person and I feel like that is true.  The assignment allowed me to explore every detail down to the shadows of the people in the picture.  I found that this assignment was a very creative one and that I perform better on papers where I can be very creative.  
Just as there were easy assignments, I found that I struggled on the Rhetorical Analysis piece.  I felt like this was one of my stronger papers and I was a little shocked when I received the grade that I did.  After looking through the review of the paper, I found out that I did have a lot of errors that needed to be addressed.  I worked through the paper very hard and I came up with a revision that I feel confident about. 
Throughout the semester, my writing has been transforming.  I know understand the importance of topic sentences and ending sentences.  I feel like every paper that we have written, my topic sentences and ending sentences have become stronger and more developed.  This English course has changed the way that I look at writing.  I find that the styles that were introduced to me this semester were ones that I really got engaged into and found myself taking great interest in them.  Overall, this course has been a great experience and has opened me to different types of writing that I feel like I can become proficient in.

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