Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Work done so far on third essay

I have chosen to rewrite my second essay.  So far, I have done a lot of things to edit my paper.  I have been going through the entire paper and doing all the grammatical revisions that need to be dealt with.  The next thing that I did was organize the paragraphs better.  I went through and picked apart each paragraph individually and made sure that what I talked about in the topic sentence was what was being discussed in the paragraph. I also updated my thesis and made it much stronger than before.  I reworked pretty much every topic sentence along with all of my ending sentences.  There were a few quotes that I had used in my paper that were too long.  I cut them down and added more of my voice then the original piece.  I also added more details to each paragraph and really focused on trying to make it sound more like a rhetorical analysis piece.  I hardest part that I have in reworking this paper is the organization part.  I need to stay on track and really practice my organization skills.  I know that if I keep working hard on this essay and continue to make improvements, this essay will be a really good one.

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